Sunday, Jan. 8 1995:
Acts with the girls. “Girls, we’re going to Pat’s…” “And we’re going to have dinner, and lots of treats,” says Drew.
Dinner at Pat’s: a huge plate of roast beast. The males all get served first. Sarah sleeps while the girls gawk at videos. Little Drew cuddles Cherelle, who is discomfited. We chat leisurely. Roger lights a stogie, and never turns the TV off. Elvis 60s, vol. 4. Pat shows us a mess of photies (after the custard desert, between the fried chicken and ice cream and jello). This family has more than its share of failures and sadnesses. Former in-laws are glossed quickly over, passed quickly by—how tenuous the state of the married-into! Roger chats about his prospective Glasgow job, which sounds like helping cabbies evade the taxman, under the protection of some Jewish mobster accountant. And Billy dumped his wife for Kathi! So, delightful, generous, loveable people—and sinners all! God bless us, everyone.