Wednesday, September 1, 2004:

Matt wants to play.  Sharon tells him he has to get ready for school. “Again?”

Friday, August 3, 2001:

The girls have their final meet in Pleasant Grove. Caitlin impresses me a great deal.  First of all, her goggles fall off of her face whenever she hits the water.  Moreover, she’s got such a good attitude about it all.  Not winning is not a problem.  In both the back and breast stroke she started behind and just kept plugging.  In the first one she nipped into second at the wire, and in the second she would actually have won if she’d had ten more yards. We discover that Drew is actually the county’s #1 seed in the backstroke, and by a whole second and a half.  It was disappointing then that someone just plain beat her in the final. But leading off in the freestyle relay was a whole different story.  It was like watching Mark Messier at ice level: speed and power to the point of being awe-inspired.  She knifed through to what must have been a five-metre lead in just the one length. We drove back quite happily, conversationally.  We’re very pleased to see that, partly as a result of these summertime involvements, these girls are stronger, fitter, more responsible and, I think, happier than when the summer started.  That, it would seem to me, is the whole point.

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Posted on March 7, 2012. Category: apparatus · Cluster: ·